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Can the Honor Magic5 Ultimate be located remotely?

time:2025-02-19 09:02:24 Gadget Highlights

GloryMagic5 Ultimate is the latest model launched by Honor,This mobile phone performs very well in all aspects,It can allow users to have a very comfortable experience,Sales have been very good since the official launch,I believe that many users have already started,Today, Xiaobian will introduce to you is GloryMagic5 Ultimate How to remotely locate,If you encounter similar problems with your mobile phone, come and see the specific content together!

How does the Honor Magic5 Ultimate be remotely located? How the Honor Magic5 Ultimate works remotely

1. Open the HONOR Parent Assistant on the HONOR Magic5 Ultimate, select the bound family account, if not, you need to bind it to the account of the person being protected to use the remote location.

 2. Click on remote location, this time you can view the current location of your family.

 Geofencing is also set up to prevent family members from getting lost.

Tap the plus sign on the screen, and on the map, set your family's safe location, labels (e.g. "Home"), and guard radius.

Click √. When the distance between your family's current location and the safe location exceeds the protection radius, HONOR Parent Assistant will remind you in time.

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