time:2024-09-26 15:02:57 Smart Electronics
GloryMagic3 Ultimate is a very hot model now,As a representative product of Glory,It has had very good sales since its release,Deeply loved by the Chinese people,I believe that many consumers are starting at the first time,This mobile phone has more functions,So many users will have functions that will not be used,For example, GloryMagic3 Ultimate screen recording tutorial,Let me introduce the tutorial for you!
How do I record the screen of the HONOR Magic3 Ultimate? HONOR Magic3 Ultimate Screen Recording Tutorial
1. Use key combinations to record your screen
Press and hold the power button and the volume up button at the same time to start the screen recording, and press and hold again to end the screen recording.
2. Use the shortcut switch to record the screen
Swipe down from the top status bar to the notification panel and continue scrolling down to the entire menu.
Tap Screen Recording to start screen recording, and tap the red timer button at the top of the screen to end screen recording.
3. Use two knuckles to record the screen
Before using the knuckles, please go to Settings> Accessibility> Quick Start and Gestures> Screen Recording, and make sure the screen recording switch is turned on.
Double-tap the screen with a little force and quickly and continuously double-click the screen to start the screen recording, and double-click again to end the screen recording.
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