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Glory Play7T panoramic weather wallpaper how to set

time:2025-01-09 15:03:01 Smart Electronics

GloryPlay7T sales have remained at a very high level since its launch,As a new model of glory,Many consumers are very fond of it,After all, the configuration is there,I believe that many people have started this mobile phone after its release,In order to facilitate everyone's daily use,The following editor brings you gloryPlay7T panoramic weather wallpaper how to set,If you have problems in this regard, you must come and see the specific tutorial together。

How to set up Honor Play7T panoramic weather wallpaper? Glory Play7T panoramic weather wallpaper setting method introduction

To set Honor Play7T panoramic weather wallpaper, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the settings menu of Honor Play7T, you can open the quick settings panel by swiping the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, swipe down above the Home of the screen, and then tap the gear icon in the upper right corner or pull down the notification bar, and click the settings icon above to open the settings menu.

2. In the settings menu, swipe the page to find the "Wallpapers & Themes" option, and click to enter.

3. In the "Wallpapers & Themes" page, you can choose the type of wallpaper you want to change. Click "Lock Screen Wallpaper" or "Home Wallpaper" to enter the corresponding wallpaper selection interface.

4. In the wallpaper selection interface, you can choose different wallpaper libraries or select pictures from the album as wallpapers. Find the picture in the album that contains the panoramic weather wallpaper and click to select it.

5. Adjust the position and size of the wallpaper to ensure the best effect of the panoramic weather wallpaper.

 6. Click the Confirm button to save the wallpaper settings.

7. Go back to the home screen and you will be able to see the panoramic weather wallpaper you set up displayed on the HONOR Play7T.

Overall, the performance of the glory Play7T is still very good,If you have other functions to know in addition to the glory Play7T panoramic weather wallpaper, you can collect it,Every day will bring you the latest model article content。

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