time:2025-02-24 16:02:35 Review Insights
The latest release of Huawei Mate X3 is very popular,It has attracted widespread attention in the industry before it goes on sale,Consumers have rushed to buy it after the official sale,Users who have used Huawei Mate X3 will definitely encounter a lot of things they don't understand,Including Huawei MateX3How to set the desktop weather,There are still quite a lot of users who encounter this problem,The following editor will briefly introduce the relevant content for you。
How to set desktop weather for Huawei MateX3? Huawei MateX3 opens the desktop weather tutorial
1. Turn on your phone and enter the main page of your phone.
2. Find "Weather" inside your phone, tap and enter.
3. Once you're on the main page, click on the three bars in the top right corner.
4. Add the city you want to query on the city management page, click "+" in the upper right corner, and add it, taking "Tianjin" as an example.
5. After adding, go back to the main page of the phone, press and hold the blank space of the phone, open the desktop pendant settings menu, and click on the pendant with the weather.
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