time:2024-10-15 08:02:35 Smart Electronics
Now the development speed of the mobile phone industry is getting faster and faster,The mobile phone functions launched by major mobile phone manufacturers are becoming more and more powerful,Glory launched a new glory 70 Pro for consumers this year,The configuration of this mobile phone in all aspects is very good,After the listing, a large number of users have started,But some people will not know how to participate in the MagicOS 7.0 internal test,The following is a small series to introduce the specific tutorial for you!
How to sign up for the MagicOS 7.0 beta test for the Honor 70 Pro? Where is the Honor 70 Pro participating in the MagicOS 7.0 closed beta
Registration method: Open the Honor Club APP on the Honor 70 Pro, enter "Home > System Update > Internal Test Application > Register Now", fill in the correct registration information according to the prompts, and after submitting the registration information, "Your internal test application is successful, please wait for the administrator to review" pops up "Your internal test application is successful, please wait for the administrator to review" as the registration information is filled in successfully, wait patiently for the review~
PS: Please be sure to read and fully familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct related to the closed beta test before registering
Please make sure that the Honor Club APP is the latest version before signing up (you can enter the application market to upgrade the "Glory Club" APP to the latest version or upgrade it through "Honor Club APP-> My -> Check Update").
If you find that you have filled in the registration information incorrectly and need to modify it after submitting the registration information, please modify the registration information through "Honor Club APP > Home > Upgrade System > Closed Beta Application > My Closed Beta > Modification". (If the registration information has been approved or the closed beta has ended, it cannot be modified)
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