time:2025-02-28 15:02:35 Smart Electronics
The latest release of Huawei Enjoy 50 Pro is very popular,It has attracted widespread attention in the industry before it goes on sale,Consumers have rushed to buy it after the official sale,Users who have used Huawei Enjoy 50 Pro will definitely encounter a lot of things they don't understand,Including Huawei Enjoy 50 ProForced restart mobile phone tutorial,There are still quite a lot of users who encounter this problem,The following editor will briefly introduce the relevant content for you。
HUAWEI Enjoy 50 Pro Force Restart Phone Tutorial
Press the restart button: Find and hold the power button on the side of the phone, release it when the restart and shutdown buttons appear on the screen, and tap Restart.
Force restart: Press and hold the power button of the phone for more than 10 seconds to force the phone to shut down and restart.
Call Xiaoyi: Turn on the voice wake-up function, and call "Xiaoyi Xiaoyi, restart the phone" to the screen.
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