time:2024-09-24 08:02:31 Smart Electronics
Glory as one of the very popular brands in the mobile phone industry,Every year will launch a variety of models to consumers,This year's hottest is the gloryMagic6 Ultimate,This mobile phone has a very high cost performance,Sales have maintained a high level since its launch,Users who like it will have gloryMagic6 UltimateWhat colors are there? For such questions, the editor will introduce the relevant content to you below!
What colors does the Honor Magic6 Ultimate come in?
The Honor Magic6 Ultimate Edition is available in two colors, Sky Purple and Ink Black.
The official social media of Honor Mobile announced the color scheme of the Honor Magic6 Ultimate phone, which are Sky Dome Purple and Ink Rock Black.
According to the official introduction, the Honor Magic6 Ultimate Edition's Sky Dome Purple is inspired by "the color of the sky at sunset in Qilian Snow Mountain", and the official description: "As the sun sets, a touch of light purple reflects the sky." At the same time, the magical scenery of the Qilian sunset is combined with the classic TOGO leather texture, so that the beauty and luxury are perfectly blended".
The inspiration for Moyan Black comes from the "Black Rock City of Western Sichuan", which is officially described as "a piece of moonlight sprinkled on the strange rocks as black as ink, reflecting the beautiful secret realm of Western Sichuan".
What colors does the Honor Magic6 Ultimate come in? Do you already know the answer to this question? If you still want to know more about the Honor Magic6 Ultimate, you can pay attention to the latest news every day.
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