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How to set win7 to turn off hibernation mode

time:2024-12-19 15:02:51 Smart Electronics

How to set Win7 to turn off hibernation mode?

1. On the Win7 system desktop, click the start button at the taskbar, click into "All Programs" - "Accessories" from the start menu, then right-click "Notepad", and select Run as administrator;

2. In Win7 open Notepad window, enter the corresponding command to execute. For example, if you want to turn off hibernation, enter the @powercfg-h off command. If you want to restart hibernation, then type @powercfg-h on;

3. Next, click "File" - "Save As" in the menu to save the file as .bat file. Remember to enter the two commands separately in Notepad and named them "Turn off hibernation" and "Open hibernation" respectively. If you want to turn off or turn on hibernation mode, just double-click on the file that has already been created;

4. So we have made two useful notepad command icons, put them on the desktop, and if you want to restart hibernation or close hibernation, just double-click on the file.

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