time:2024-11-10 16:02:47 Gadget Highlights
As people's living conditions get better and better,The mobile phones we buy are becoming more and more advanced,Many functions that were not there before have been realized on the mobile phone,Glory's recently launched glory80 SE is a very powerful model,The performance in all aspects is very good,Today, Xiaobian will introduce you to the glory80 SE How to turn on the protagonist mode,Users who have the same problem come and take a look!
How does the Honor 80 SE turn on the protagonist mode? Honor 80 SE Protagonist Mode Setup Tutorial
1. Turn on the Honor 80 SE, tap the camera and switch to recording.
2. Select the protagonist mode, and another small frame will appear in the frame.
3、You can choose either landscape or portrait screen,In this protagonist mode,Honor80 SE will automatically focus on the protagonist through AI intelligence capabilities。
PS: It is best to be within 4 meters of the subject you want to shoot. If you go beyond this range, you can also try zooming 2x. "Vlog Protagonist Mode" during shooting, whether it is horizontal or vertical shooting, the lens will intelligently focus on the portrait and center the composition, and the shooting can also support any switching of the protagonist.
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