time:2024-10-02 08:02:35 Smart Electronics
Realme Realme 11 Pro+ is the latest model launched by realme to fans,There are a lot of upgrade points for this mobile phone,In addition to the appearance is more refined,The performance in terms of performance configuration is also better,It was snatched up after the official listing,Users who have already started it also like this mobile phone very much,But you will also encounter the real me Realme 11 Pro+ Play King Glory Frame Drop,Let's let Xiaobian lead you to take a look!
What is the frame rate of Realme Realme11Pro+ playing Honor of Kings? Realme Realme11Pro+ Play Honor of Kings Frame Drop
There are almost no frame drops, and the frame rate can be stabilized at around 89 frames
After actual testing, the realme 11 Pro+ can reach 90 frames per second when playing Honor of Kings, and the average frame rate is fully capable of the smooth experience of this game. In the game, the game is stable at 90 fps throughout, with a few frame drops occurring during the loading of the game's cutscenes and the author being killed, and the frame rate is very stable in team fights and lane matches.
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