time:2024-09-30 09:02:25 Gadget Highlights
How to turn off advertising push for HONOR Play 60Plus? This question must be what many users want to know,As a new model that has just been released this year,Glory Play 60 PlusThe performance is still quite good since the official launch,The performance configuration is very strong and the appearance is also very high,Presumably there are still more people to start,The following editor will briefly introduce the relevant content for you,Come and take a look at the specific tutorial!
How to turn off advertising push for HONOR Play 60Plus?
Tap Apps
Open Settings, look for the app and click "Open".
Click the ad that you want to turn off
Select the desktop ad you want to turn off and click Enter.
Disable notifications
Once you're on the screen, remove the checkmark before displaying notifications.
Click OK
On the pop-up page, select OK.
How to turn off advertising push for HONOR Play 60Plus? That's the end of the story. Just follow the steps in this tutorial step by step. For the Honor Play 60 Plus, this feature should be easy to grasp. If you have mastered it, I would like to congratulate you on your new skills.
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