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Huawei P60 Pro how to turn off automatic system updates

time:2024-09-28 16:02:37 Review Insights

HuaweiP60 Pro is Huawei's latest new machine in the very cost-effective model,The configuration of this mobile phone in all aspects is very good,I believe that a large number of users have started,The process of using the mobile phone is certainly not smooth sailing,You will definitely encounter functions that will not be used,For example, HuaweiP60ProHow to turn off the system automatic update,The following is a brief introduction to the specific tutorial for you!

How do I turn off automatic system updates for Huawei P60Pro? HUAWEI P60Pro turns off the automatic system update tutorial

1. Open your phone's settings, tap "Software Update" in the "System & Updates" menu.

2. In the "Software Update" page, click the menu button in the top right corner and select "Settings".

3. On the Settings page, turn off both the "Automatically download updates" and "Automatically install updates" options.

4. If you have already downloaded the update package, you can delete it in the "Download Management" page to avoid mishandling the update.

Note: Disabling automatic system updates may prevent some functions of the phone from getting the latest security patches and feature improvements, so it is recommended to update the system in a timely manner if necessary.

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