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Webpack and Vue CLI

time:2024-09-28 08:02:35 Smart Electronics

What are Vue CLI, Vite, and webpack? What's the difference?

1. Vue CLI: Vue CLI is a command-line tool provided by Vue.js to quickly build Vue.js-based projects. It helps developers initialize the project structure and provides a set of out-of-the-box configurations, including common build tools such as webpack. The Vue CLI also provides a rich plugin system that makes it easy to extend functionality, such as adding TypeScript support, unit testing, and more.

2. Vite: Vite is a new front-end building tool developed by You Yuxi, the author of Vue.js. Different from traditional build tools, Vite uses the native ES module import method in the development mode, and uses the ES module parsing ability of modern browsers to achieve extremely fast cold start times and hot update speeds. Vite is suitable for modern ES modular development, especially for frameworks such as Vue.js and React.

3. webpack: Webpack is a powerful static module packaging tool, which can package multiple types of files, such as JavaScript, CSS, images, etc., into one or more static resource files.

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