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How to check the memory usage of the Oppo Reno9 Pro

time:2024-12-22 15:02:47 Smart Electronics

OPPO Reno9 ProAs a new machine launched by oppo not long ago,The performance in all aspects is very good,It has maintained high sales since the official sale,Users who have used this phone have a very good evaluation,But there are also many consumers who are considering whether to buy,In order to let everyone know more about this mobile phone,The following is an introduction to OPPO Reno9 ProHow to check memory usage。

How do I check the memory usage of OPPOReno9Pro? Where to look at the memory occupation of OPPOReno9Pro

 1. Open the phone settings and tap the [Other Settings] option.

 2. Click [Recent Task Management].

3. Turn on the switch behind [Recent Tasks Display Memory Information].

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