time:2025-02-03 16:02:35 Gadget Highlights
The latest release is very hot,It has attracted widespread attention in the industry before it goes on sale,Consumers have rushed to buy it after the official sale,Users who have used it must encounter a lot of things they don't understand,Including Redmi k60UltraHow to clear file management memory,There are still quite a lot of users who encounter this problem,The following editor will briefly introduce the relevant content for you。
Redmi k60Ultra how to clear file management memory
1. First of all, find "File Management" on the desktop of Redmi mobile phone, and after entering File Management, we click on the "Category Browsing" tab at the top to enter the specific classification browsing mode
2. After entering the category and browsing, we can see the music, videos, pictures, installation packages and other files of the mobile phone occupying the system, among which the installation package belongs to the application installation file that we have installed, which is useless and can be deleted to save the memory space of the Redmi phone. In addition, you can also find a lot of useless files in cached pictures, music and other files, which can be cleaned up together, which can effectively free up memory space
3. Press and hold the HOME button to pop up the MIUI memory small brush tool, click the small brush to clean up the apps that the phone is currently open in the background and release the memory
4. Finally, you can also use Redmi MIUI's self-start management to optimize the startup items of Xiaomi mobile phones, so as to further optimize the memory.
The relevant content about Redmi k60Ultra how to clear file management memory is introduced here today,Users who have already started must be patient to browse the above tutorials,There are other doubts about the use of mobile phones, you can continue to pay attention to other articles。
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