time:2024-10-15 09:02:32 Gadget Highlights
vivo S17 is a new machine that consumers have paid more attention to recently,vivo began to warm up this mobile phone a long time ago,The results have not disappointed everyone since the official launch,Sales have been very good,Users who start will inevitably encounter a lot of problems that they don't understand,For example, vivos17How to turn off HD,Xiaobian will lead you to take a look at the relevant tutorials!
vivos17 how to turn off HD
1. First open your phone and tap Settings;
2. Enter the settings interface and click Wireless & Network;
3. Enter the wireless and network interface and click Mobile Network;
4. Enter the mobile network interface and turn off VoLTE HD calls;
5. After turning off VoLTE HD calls, the buttons on the back will turn gray;
6. Return to the desktop of the mobile phone, and the HD icon in the upper corner of the page will be removed, that is, the HD function will be turned off.
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