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Does the Huawei P50Pro support wireless charging

time:2024-10-02 08:02:35 Smart Electronics

HuaweiP50 ProIt is a new machine that consumers have paid more attention to recently,Huawei began to warm up this mobile phone a long time ago,The results have not disappointed everyone since the official launch,Sales have been very good,Users who start will inevitably encounter a lot of problems that they don't understand,For example, HuaweiP50proCan wireless charging,Xiaobian will lead you to take a look at the relevant content!

Can Huawei P50Pro charge wirelessly? Does Huawei P50Pro support wireless charging?

 In the tank

Huawei P50Pro supports wireless charging, it has a built-in 4360mAh large power, and supports 66W wired + 50W wireless charging.

HUAWEI P50, HUAWEI P50Pro, and HUAWEI P50Pro, all systems support wireless and reverse charging. Huawei learned from Apple, the P50 series does not come with a charger, and it takes 379 yuan to buy a 66W fast charge.

The HUAWEI P50 Pro comes in 9 colors, including Cloud Brocade White, Danxia Orange, Galaxy Blue, Cocoa Tea Gold, Snow White, Dawn Pink, Yao Jin Black, Ripple Cloud Wave, and Ripple Haohai. Yunjin White and Danxia Orange models use plain leather process fuselage, Galaxy Blue adopts anti-fingerprint condensation cream process, and the front screen of the fuselage is not easy to be contaminated, and the front camera adopts a centered single hole design.

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