time:2025-01-02 08:02:58 Smart Electronics
oppo recently launched OPPO A2 presumably many users have already started,This mobile phone broke out a lot of news before the release,After the official listing, it did not disappoint everyone,The performance configuration is very superior,Today Xiaobian brings you OPPOA2How to set the desktop time,If you have functional problems,You can take a look at the content of the article below。
How do I set desktop time for OPPOA2? How to set OPPOA2 desktop time
Here's how to set desktop time on your OPPO A2:
1. Turn on your phone and press and hold on the blank space of the desktop.
2. Enter the desktop editing state, find and click [Plugin].
3. Go to the plug-in option, find and click on the clock.
4. Select the clock style and click to add it to the mobile desktop.
The OPPOA2 introduced by Xiaobian today is not clear to you about how to set the desktop time? OPPO A2 has a good reputation in the market since its release, if you like it, go buy it and use it!
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