time:2025-01-21 08:02:48 Smart Electronics
As people's living conditions are getting better and better,The mobile phones we buy are becoming more and more advanced,Many functions that were not there before have been realized on the mobile phone,Huawei's recently launched Huawei Pocket S is a very powerful model,The performance in all aspects is very good,Today Xiaobian will introduce you to HuaweiPocketS how to set up automatic update app,Users with the same problem come and take a look at it!
How do I set up automatic app updates for Huawei PocketS? Huawei PocketS Setup Auto Update App Tutorial Introduction
1. Start by opening the app store on your Huawei PocketS phone.
2. On the main interface of the app store, click the "Settings" button in the upper right corner.
3. In the settings page, find the "Auto-Update" option and click Enter.
4. On the auto-update page, you can set the frequency and method of auto-update.
5. If you want all apps to be updated automatically, you can turn on the "Automatically update all apps" option.
6. If you only want some apps to be updated automatically, you can manually select apps in the "Auto-update app list".
7. After completing the settings, all the apps on your Huawei PocketS phone that can be updated automatically will be automatically updated in the background without manual operation.
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