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How to set the three keys for the Honor 90GT

time:2024-12-30 08:02:28 Smart Electronics

Even if you have used the same brand of mobile phone before,But the new machine just released will bring you a new experience,Glory just released recentlyGlory90 GT is very good,Super cost-effective and has a high appearance,This mobile phone is designed with a lot of new functions,Some users will ask Glory90GT how to set the three buttons,Xiaobian will give you a specific introduction to the tutorial。

How to set the three keys for the Honor 90GT? Honor 90GT set up three keys tutorial introduction

The three buttons of the Honor 90GT refer to the power button and volume button on the side of the fuselage, which can be set by the following steps:

 1. Open your phone's Settings app.

 2. Select the "System & Updates" option, followed by "Key Gestures".

3. Under the key gesture interface, select "Triple tap the power button" or "Double tap the volume key".

 4. Follow the prompts to complete the setting.

You can choose to set different functions such as "Take a Screenshot", "Turn on Camera", "Turn on Flash" according to your personal preference.

This is the end of the content of how to set the three buttons for the Honor 90GT. Just follow the steps in this tutorial step by step. For the Honor 90 GT, this feature should be easy to master. If you have mastered it, I would like to congratulate you on your new skills.

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