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How many times is the vivo X100 Ultra optical zoom?

time:2024-12-24 16:03:04 Gadget Highlights

Now the development of the mobile phone industry can be said to be changing with each passing day,What remains unchanged is that everyone is still rolling images,vivo has recently brought you a new model,That is, the more powerful performance configuration vivo X100 Ultra,The camera of this mobile phone is its focus,So many friends are asking vivo X100 Ultra camera details,For example, vivo X100 Ultra is how many times optical zoom?

 How many times is the vivo X100 Ultra optical zoom?

According to the current leaks, the vivo X100 Ultra has a zoom capability of 7x optical zoom, 50MP 7.5x optical high-quality zoom, 12.5MP 15x optical quality 2.0 zoom, and 30x AI 200x extreme zoom.

(After the official release of the mobile phone, the editor will update the most accurate data for you in a timely manner.) )

 vivo X100 Ultra camera:

 Main Camera: 50MP LYT-900 F1.75 1"

 Ultra Wide Angle: 50MP LYT-600

Telephoto: 200MP S5KHP9 F2.6 1/1.4

vivo X100 Ultra supports optical zoom, I believe it will give you some surprises, but some friends feel that this optical zoom doesn't seem to be enough, so you still have to look at the specific performance after the release.

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