time:2024-10-01 15:02:38 Smart Electronics
GloryMagic3 Ultimate is a very cost-effective model in the latest new machine launched by Honor,The configuration of this mobile phone in all aspects is very good,I believe that a large number of users have started,The process of using the mobile phone is certainly not smooth sailing,There will definitely be various problems,For example, the gloryMagic3 Ultimate running score introduction,The following is a brief introduction to the specific content for you!
What is the score of the Honor Magic3 Ultimate? The Honor Magic3 Ultimate running score is introduced
The Honor Magic3 series uses the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 Plus processor, and combines OS Turbo X and GPU Turbo X technologies to improve the performance experience of the phone through a combination of software and hardware.
GeekBench5 mainly tests the theoretical performance of the CPU, and it can be seen that the single-core score of the Honor Magic3 Ultimate has reached 1009 points, and the multi-core score is 3254 points, because the Snapdragon 888 Plus mainly increases the core frequency of the super-large core, which brings about an increase in the performance of the CPU, and the GeekBench5 test reflects this fact.
AI Benchmark
Through the AI Benchmark test, it can be seen that the score of the Honor Magic3 Ultimate reached 214.8K, which is an increase of 48.4% compared to the previous generation Snapdragon 888, and the test score is greater than the theoretical improvement.
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